Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Jacksen's School Play

Those of you who know Jacksen know he doesn't need to be in the spot light like his little sister. He had his 1st grade play last Thursday night and wasn't very excited about it. He knew one set of his Grandparents were coming to see the play and told us as we were leaving that he would rather just go home with them instead of be in the play. He knew every song and every hand movement but you could tell he had better things to do. After the play Jon said how much he reminded him of himself.

The play was "A Froggy Day in Lindentown" there was one little boy who was the main character that Jennah informed us during one of his solo performances "he doesn't sing very well". I just know she is going to love this type of thing.

We had a busy week celebrating Jon's 29th birthday. For some reason around our house we have birthday weeks instead of the traditional birthday. Jon got to eat out with someone everyday last week. I also did something special for him each day of the week. He always has projects around the house he can't get to because his back is hurting or he is just too worn out. We are never home on the weekends to get things in order so that is what I did for him. Cleaned the garage, had the oil changed on his car, etc. he is all about the love language "acts of service". Then Saturday night Grandma Janet kept the kids and we got to go out. We went to Los Cabos and loved it then we got free tickets from Jon's work to see Sam Harris in concert. I wasn't looking forward to the Sam Harris thing but it was much better than the last time we saw him. Thanks Grandma Janet and Papa Joe!
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Last Traveling Holiday!

This Easter marked the last traveling on holidays we will have to do for hopefully a long long time. Sure we will still have to make the thirty minute drive to Bristow but that is nothing! We had a great Easter holiday the kids had their school parties on Friday and Joel and I were able to go to both of them. It was way too cold for an egg hunt but we braved the weather just for enough time for each kid to find twelve eggs each (not long). Then we had a rabbit donut in Jennah's class and an ice cream sundae in Jacksen's class. Joel participated in both parties and went home a happy baby. Nobody could resist Joel and his begging.

Saturday we went to visit Grandma Kelley at the nursing home and Grandpa at his house. I curled Grandma's hair so she would look nice for Easter. We went to Shogun's for an untraditional Easter dinner with William and Rachel and Sean and Madison. Mom and Dad ended up getting back from their trip to California early so they joined us. We had a really good time. Then Sunday we went to Grandma Janet's house for a turkey dinner. Everything was wonderful and the kids finally got to have an Easter egg hunt with their cousins.

It was a great weekend but we are really looking forward to not having to drive so much on the holidays.

Gravy and Stickers

Joel's two favorite things stickers and Gravy, and of course they are better together. He had a little help with the application of the stickers. Jennah gladly helped out.
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Monday, April 02, 2007

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Azalea Festival

We stayed around the house this weekend. It was really nice. Saturday we went to the Azalea Festival at Honor Heights Park. It was a little early in the season for the azaleas but they were still pretty. The kids enjoyed walking on the paths and of course playing at the playground. The ice storm this winter really damaged the park. They had over a hundred huge trees labeled to be cut down. It really looked like a tornado had gone through. The kids weren't in picture mode I never got a good picture of all of them. They were acting so silly.

Only seven and a half weeks of school left then hopefully we can make the big move. We can't wait. The next couple of weeks are going to be very busy so hopefully they will go by quickly. This waiting to move is about to drive us crazy. Every other move we have made we decided to move and no longer than two weeks later we were in the new location. This time it looks like it is going to be a couple of months still.

Other news my little brother William is getting married! I am so excited for him. They are such a perfect match. They are planning a July wedding that will be outside. The wedding will be at Rachel's Grandparents house in Texas. Hopefully it won't be too hot; okay I'm dreaming it is going to be sooo hot. Oh well!