Monday, January 15, 2007

Ice Ice Baby!

Okay as you can tell from the title I'm kinda getting cabin fever and going a little stir crazy. But really this area of the state got hit pretty hard with the ice. This picture is right off our street. The kids were playing in the front yard yesterday and I noticed much more traffic on our street than normal. Jonathan went up the street to find the road closed. He thought a tree was down. I ventured out a little later and found it wasn't a tree but a power line! As you can see in these pictures the trees are just so weighed down they are splitting in two. When I was out taking these pictures a huge branch came crashing down right across the street with no warning.

We are enjoying having to stay home though. We have had a constant fire in the fireplace, and are trying some new recipes. A friend of mine let me borrow a yeast cookbook. So far we have made homemade pizza dough and pecan sticky buns. YUM! (thanks Crystal!) I was so proud of us I never knew cooking could be so rewarding. I have always been to scared to cook with yeast but this cookbook made it so simple.

Another power line down! Just a couple of miles away in Muskogee they have 18,000 without power. Luckily we still have power but the weather man said the wind is going to pick up today so we are keeping our fingers crossed.


Jenny said...

Wow! That is alot of ice. We don't have any on our trees or power lines(yeah!) but the streets are pretty bad. I am beyond stir crazy and am looking forward to it all going away, soon:)

Cooking, rewarding? I still don't get it! My poor family;)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your enjoying the cookbook. Maybe someday I will have an oven and get to make bread again. I'm glad the sleepover went good. Looks like a rough and rowdy crowd.


Shelly Collins said...

Hi Jessica. Hopefully everything is thawed there now! I've enjoyed staying home too with the slow pace, but now things are back in full swing again. Hope you are all doing well, tell Jon we need a Friday lunch soon.
love Shelly