Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Can you tell what this is? A butterfly! Jacksen is always easy to please when it comes to birthday cakes. Jennah on the other hand is not so easy. The last few years on the kids birthdays I have made their cakes instead of buying them. At first it was just to save money and then I realized how much fun it was trying something new. This year the kids were old enough to help make their own cakes and what a good time that was. I think we will have to make it a yearly tradition.

This is my latest diaper cake. It was the hardest one yet. I had never attempted a sports themed diaper cake. I think it turned out well.


Jeny said...

really cute cupcake cake!
You have been tagged! Check my blog for the details.

Brandie said...

Good Job! Thanks for the comment. Pete's was good. You guys need to come with us next time.