Monday, July 07, 2008

Water Tricks

Joel decided yesterday with no help from us that it was time for him to learn how to go underwater and swim. Just out of the blue in the kiddie pool he started putting his head in the water over and over and over. It was so funny to us because we hadn't asked him to or showed him how. We knew when we went on our vacation when Joel was almost one and he decided on his own it was time to start walking how much determination he had even as a almost one year old. We had not seen him be so determined to do something since then. He almost gets obsessed with it. This video was this morning in the pool and shortly after this he got in the big pool and swam underwater from Jonathan to me and back and forth for about thirty minutes. He also likes to jump into the pool without us catching him so he can go under and then we can pick him up out of the water.

Jennah is learning how to float on her back although it doesn't look like she is actually floating she can keep her head above water. Kind of like when she swims it doesn't look like she is actually swimming but she can get anywhere she wants. Last year on vacation Jennnah was "saved" three times in the pool. She wasn't actually drowning she just looks like it when she swims. The three people just kind of look at us funny and grab her out of the water and brought her to us.

Jacksen's favorite thing these days is diving for things at the bottom of the pool. In this video he is diving for a penny. He also really enjoys having Joel swim to him in the pool. He feels pretty big.

I love that we can share our vacation with all our family and friends. Also, you will have to mute the music at the bottom of my blog to hear the kids.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys looks like fun in Alabama!!

Gravy is doing well, the house is intact, and we are enjoying the extra square footage.

Have fun down there.

jessica said...

Forget about Gravy, how are my plants and flowers doing?

Anonymous said...

Florida looks great!

Now tell the truth, did you see moss in the trees? If you didn't you must not be near the swamps! (That's probably a good things)

Have fun & watch out for the
S _ _ _ _ S & J _ _ _ Y _ _ _ H!!

Nanna & Papa

Shelly Collins said...

Love the pic of the kids at sunset. What a beautiful little family you have! Wait, are you in Alabama or Florida?

jessica said...

We are in Alabama but just 30 minutes from Florida.