Sunday, July 06, 2008

We missed the sun setting by a few minutes, but got a few good pictures right after it set on the bay side.


Jenny said...

You all look bored and lonely. Tell you what . . .we will leave RIGHT NOW and head your way. We don't want your vacation to be a total loss. Brian could make the trip is 8 hours tops. See you then;~)

Unknown said...

Adorable picture of the kids. We LOVED Gulf Shores. We took the Youth there for a retreat when we lived in Baton Rouge. The best retreat I can remember. Glad you could get away, even though it was a long trip.

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous. It looks so relaxing. We didn't plan our trips very well. Just as I get back you all leave. It seems like forever since I've seen you. How did Jon's back do?


jessica said...

Jon's back seems to be doing better. He called the Dr. to get the results and they are out all week on vacation!! So we won't know anything until next week.