Monday, February 08, 2010

I'm Back!

Wow! So a lot has changed since my last post. I found out a week after returning home from my trip to Honduras that we are expecting our #4! We were completely surprised because we had stopped trying four months before and were happy with our family of 5. It was quite a shock for Jonathan as well. I told him I had some weird news and he jokingly said "what you're pregnant" I said "yep!". He sat quietly for a few seconds and said, "you're going to have to give me some time to think about it". All evening long he just kept looking at me and saying "really, really". We wanted to wait as long as we could to tell everyone because of the past trouble we'd had. We were able to wait until I was eight weeks along, which is good for us.

I am now 20 and 1/2 weeks along and we found out last week we are having a baby girl! We're so excited. We thought for sure it was a boy because I've been so sick. After dealing with the morning sickness for so long I finally broke down and asked for some medicine to help with the nausea and wow has it helped. I can't believe I didn't ask for it with Jacksen and Joel. I thought it would be easier having older children and being pregnant, but it doesn't seem to be it to has it's challenges. I can't just lay on the couch and let the kids play around me, I now have to go to ball games, ball practices, get them up and off to school and so on.

I am finally getting use to the idea of having another little one. When we decided we weren't having anymore we were set on it so it's really taken me a while to get use to the fact. Also, I can't believe how far apart the kids will be Jack will be 10 and 1/2, Jennah will be 8 and 1/2, and Joel will be two months from being 5!

We definitely feel blessed and are so excited to welcome a new little Hendricks into the world around June 26th!
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Amy said...

I thought your title said "I'm Black". I was very confused, but I know that would have made Jennah happy.

Chrissey said...

I'm so happy for you guys! I really would like to have a 4th as well. And if we did, our age differences between our kids would be really similar to yours! SO...I will be keeping up with your family updates to see have everything goes! :)

Shelly Collins said...

I'm glad you're back Jessica. I'm sorry you've been so sick. Wow, I guess it's time for the girls to even the score in our family right? They're making a come back! And I love the name Jillian, very pretty. So what about having a Jack and Jill?

jessica said...

We are thinking it wouldn't be bad having a Jack and Jill if they aren't right beside each other in ages.

mamallday said...

I still think Jonathan's initial reaction is hilarious :)