Today Jacksen went on a field trip to the Air and Space Museum, without me! I'm sure many would be surprised to know that I am a control freak when it comes to my kids. Besides the week they spent in daycare they have always been with me. Of course they will spend a weekend now and again with Grandparents and going to school, but besides that they are pretty much with us 24/7. I knew this would happen sooner or later and it has finally come. Jacksen had a school trip and Jennah has afternoon pre-k. Normally I would just take her out of school, but she had a double ear infection and bad allergies and missed two days of school last week. So she really didn't need to miss. We have great friends here that I am sure would keep Jennah and take her to school, but I just don't like to ask anyone unless they are family. Jonathan stayed at his Mom's house because we have a car in the shop and we live an hour from his work. Usually Jonathan can kinda talk me through this type of thing, but he wasn't here. I was up tossing and turning all night. I know it probably sounds silly to most. It really is hard on me. I just always think of what could happen to him if I'm not there. Jacksen really didn't care if I went of not. I am so embarrassed, but I teared up when leaving his classroom. I called my Mom for support and she wasn't very sympathetic. She just said this was just the beginning. I guess I just need to learn to let go. On his way out this morning I said Jacksen stay with the group and don't talk to anyone you don't know. He said, "I know mom!" I'm sure he will be fine.

In other news its huntin' season, and Jacksen is ready. He found all his camo and his gun (not real). He goes out in our backyard almost everyday and climbs the tree and practices.
Ah, poor Jessica! You can call me anytime and I will back you up on this one! Cooper's class takes one feild trip a month and people think I am crazy for going on each and every one of them. I use to think parents were crazy in not wanting to let them go, now I am one of those;)
I will be right there with you. I had a hard time leaving Carson for Sonshine School yesterday. He had been sick and I literally hadn't been away from him for a week. Not even Bible Class or a quick trip to the store. It was almost harder than the first day. But, he of course did great. I can't believe how big Jacksen looks in that tree. Your kids are beautiful!
I can't even imagine letting go. I will be the crazy mom in the back of the classroom, everyday.
I'm glad you like the blog! We did make it to church Wed. night. I looked for you but didn't see you. I guess we'll see you Sun? Good luck with learning how to let go!!
Jacksen looks so old. (like he really is ready to go hunting!) He is growing up too fast!
Grandma Janet
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