Not exactly a milestone, but Joel has just discovered the trash. He is so funny! Needless to say he doesn't know exactly what is or isn't trash. We tell him to throw things away and he runs to the trash chunks it in, and then claps and does a little stomp dance. Just while I have been sitting here posting this he has already thrown a deck of cards and a flashlight away. This is such a fun stage. Well kinda!
I remember keeping our trash can on top of the counters during this time:)
i love that you love being a mom :) i'm gearing up to go back to work on Monday - at least it's only part time. it's still going to be hard to be away from Wilder during the day though. Joel is getting cuter every time i see him!
At first we thought she looked just like Jacob, but then she started looking more like Trista. We're still not sure yet. The dark hair is throwing us off! I always thought Jacksen looked like Jonathan, but after seeing YOUR old photo, I've changed my mind!
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