Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Where to Start

I've got a lot of updating to do so I'm going to go in the order I remember everything. The middle of September Jack broke his little finger in Bible class. They had finished up the lesson and were playing a game and a kid went to block Jack's throw and broke his finger. Jack was a little excited at first about having a cool cast, but that soon wore off. It was a water proof cast so that really helped with bathing. He was able to continue playing flag football. The orthopedic center we went to fitted him for a foam hand to wear around his cast so he could play without hurting anyone. He wore the cast for three weeks and the doctor said it didn't look so good when the cast was removed so we went back two weeks later to see if he needed to have surgery and he said it had straightened up like it should so no surgery! Yeah! When I was in Honduras was when he was suppose to have the cast removed so Jonathan took him. Jack was so ready to get it off and had been pretty cranky with it on. Since Jon changed jobs we had new insurance and he forgot the new insurance card and they wouldn't take it off without paying cash for it $300, so they had to reschedule for the next day. Poor Jack, from what I hear he was pretty upset with Dad. I flew in that night and was able to take him the next day to get it removed, so he didn't have to wait too much longer.

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