Thursday, February 21, 2008

Missing Our Microwave?

Jennah has been sad the last week or so. She came home from school last week crying and saying she wanted to go back to Pre-K with Mrs. Lindsay. Mrs. Lindsay was a wonderful teacher with many years experience teaching. Jennah's teacher this year is very young and doesn't have near as much passion for teaching. At the end of the school year last year Mrs. Lindsay put together a year book of Jennah's class. I didn't tell her about it. I thought I would save it for a day when she was missing Ft. Gibson and surprise her with it. So I gave it to her and she loved it. She spent all evening looking at it and talking about all her old friends. I thought this was the end of it until Sunday night when she asked me if I missed our old house. I told her I do sometimes, then I reminded her how much closer we are now to all our family and how much more we get to see Jonathan. Then last night in the car she told me she missed our old microwave in Ft. Gibson. I thought maybe I misunderstood her so I asked again. Yes, she misses our old microwave the numbers on it were bigger and it was lower where she could see in it. She wasn't being silly she was serious. I feel bad for her. We are getting a new microwave here so I think I will take her with us to help pick one out. Maybe that will make her feel better. Crazy girl!
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Jenny said...

Not a crazy girl at all! In true Hendricks fashion she is a girl that isn't fond of change and likes her routine. I could put Cooper's name in this exact post. He is alot like her. Hopefully as a first grader she will have another awesome teacher that she will love!

Lindsay said...

We miss her too!!