Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jillian Arrives

Jillian arrived 5 weeks and a day early. Her due date was June 26th and she came May 21st. I had been put on bed rest 5 and 1/2 weeks before that for what they called pre-preeclampsia. She weighed 3lb 14oz and was 16 inches long. She didn't have to be on any oxygen or a ventilator which is amazing considering how early she was. I will post later about what all we went through to get her here, but I had to start somewhere. These are the only pictures I was able to look at after she was born until the next day when I was able to go and see her. They whisked her away so fast I only got a glimpse of her before she went to the NICU. I think that was the hardest part of all of it. Even then I didn't get to hold her, it was another 24 hours before I was able to do that. She spent 9 days in the NICU and we would go and visit her everyday. I really struggled with whether or not to stay with her at the hospital, but with three other kids at home and the tough delivery I went through we decided it would be best for me to go home and get rest and spend all day there. This worked out well, but it was so hard to leave her at the end of the day. That is all for now next I think I'll post the bed rest days and what all we went through to get Jillian here. It feels so good to be back to blogging!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea! I have been missing your blog. I love the picture of the kids. Perfect!
