When looking at these pictures of all we did this weekend, I realized the significance of them all.
First, we celebrated my Grandparents 50th wedding aniversary on Saturday. Going to this party really made me think about how I wouldn't be here if they had never met and married 50 years ago. I feel so blessed to have grown up in such a lovin

g and caring family. I have always felt I have a special bond with my Grandma and I look up to her as a Christian wife, mother, and grandmother. Grandma has taken care of Grandpa for the past 45 years and now he is getting to return the favor for her. The vows you take when getting married really does carry on throughout life. We have much to learn from them.
Also this weekend Jonathan's family came to camp at a local lake. It was beautiful weather for camping. It was great because where they stayed was about fifteen minutes from our house. We spend quality time out there

then went home for a good nights sleep. I really enjoyed the kids getting to play with their cousins Cooper and Wyatt. Cooper actually got to stay the night with us for the first time. They had a great time! I am sure this was just the first of many sleep-overs the kids will have with there cousins. Jonathan and Jacksen went with Brian, Cooper, and John to ride Brian's new four wheeler on some trails while Janet, Amy and I stayed at camp with the younger kids and Dayton. I had a great time visiting with them. We really missed you Jenny!
Here is Joel and Wyatt they are what I call "Binky Buds". Not a lot of conversation happens between the two of them.

This is the only picture Cooper and Jacksen would let me get of them. They were playing a game of catch me if you can. I caught them but I think they won!

The favorite game of the weekend turned out to be playing in the dirt/sand. For some odd reason it is really fun throwing dirt on one another! Our bathtub was put to the test this weekend.
We had a great weekend that really made us appriciate what wonderful families we both have. We love you all!