Thursday, December 06, 2007

Classy Christmas Party

Last Saturday night Jonathan had his annual work Christmas party. As I do every year I stressed about what to wear. The invitation said cocktail attire. I so I shopped for a week straight and thought I had something that would work only to decide Friday evening the outfit would not work. So now I have about a hundred dollars worth of clothes and shoes to take back. Saturday at about noon I left to try to find something for the party that started at 6:30. I finally had something. I normally wear jeans and t-shirts so I had a hard time finding something that I thought was "cocktail attire". I guess my definition of cocktail attire was different than the others at the party. What most the ladies were wearing to me qualified as semi-formal. I was just about the only one wearing color. I decided I didn't care and was going to enjoy the evening away from the kids.

The party was at the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame. Sounds pretty classy right? Wrong! The entertainment for the evening was what they called Little E. Jonathan and I were unaware of who exactly Little E was. He was a little person dressed as Elvis. I don't know why everyone thought it was so funny. There was nothing funny about it to us. It was just weird. Then after Little E moved his lips to two Elvis songs he went to greet people and have his picture made with everyone. Seriously! It was the strangest thing. I am surprised Jonathan even let me blog about it as embarrassing as it was. Oh well. He did win a $50 gift card so I guess it was worth it.

I didn't get a picture of us together this year. Jennah said we looked good. She is our little fashion coach. She is always ready to tell me if my outfit looks good or not. She said we looked like one of the couples on Dancing with the Stars. I think that's a good thing.
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Amy said...

I thought you both looked really nice. John and I went to a wedding during the summer and he wore a button up shirt and slacks, and I wore the same. Everyone there was in full suits and the ladies all had cocktail dresses on. John said, and I quote, "we stand out like terds in a punch bowl."
As for the "Little E", how weird! I am speechless on that!

Unknown said...

I would love to have seen a picture. Preferably of the two of you dancing!