Thursday, November 30, 2006

My Crazy Parents!

My parents work as Hot Shots. Their job is to deliver large equipment anywhere in the U.S. or Canada on very short notice. They got a call yesterday to go to New Mexico. For me this would be stressful in itself getting a call one minute and dropping everything, packing a bag, and leaving that same day or sometimes early the next morning. If you know my dad, he thrives on this sort of thing. He loves a good challenge and is always ready to get up and go. This time is different though. They have had to travel in bad weather in spots, but they have never started the trip in bad weather like this time. So they left this morning about 7 and have been traveling for eleven hours now and still have about four hours to go. Along the way they have experienced several white outs. If you haven't ever experienced a white out, you see nothing but white everywhere. It can be quite scary. This trip in normal weather would take about nine hours. I called them earlier and my mom said they had been going about 40 MPH the entire trip. They have to stop every so often to rest and they sent these pictures to us. I just thought this was kinda neat. I tease them everytime I call and ask them where in the world are Bill and Tamara. I really think they are enjoying the chance to see the world in their Dodge pickup. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Your parents are CRAZY;)