Monday, January 29, 2007

Little Joel

Well about two hours after my last post we went through one of the scariest moments as a parent we have ever experienced. Joel was sick with a bad cold and his fever was going up very quickly. He was very sick acting and just fell asleep on my chest when he jumped and woke himself up. I checked his temperature and it was 102.5 which really isn't that bad. Jennah has run a fever of almost 105 before so I really wasn't that worried until about five minutes later he jumped again really big and then his eyes started rolling in the back of his head and he started seizuring. It lasted about two minutes but seemed like an hour! I was so scared and didn't know what to do. He was blue all around his mouth and eyes. Jonathan and I have never seen or known of anyone who has had a seizure. I called 911 and they sent an abulance to our home and took him to the hospital. The next day we took him back to his regular Dr. and he had a double ear infection. The Dr. said now that he has had a seizure he will be more likely to have more and from now until he is five or six when he gets a fever to give him tylenol and motrin at the same time every four hours and if the fever is not gone in twenty four hours he needs to be seen. He is doing much better now. He is still attached to my hip, but much better.

I just want to thank all of you who called, brought us dinner, kept Jennah and Jacksen while we were at the hospital, and took Jacksen to school. It is so good to have good friends we can depend on when we need to. We love and appriciate each of you. Posted by Picasa


Crystal Howard said...

I can't imagine what you all went through last week. I'm so glad everyone is better now.

Anonymous said...

What a scary night to have, and he is so little, too! We are so glad he is okay now.
Love you, Papa and Nana Almy

Anonymous said...

Joel looks so cute in that picture!
Can't wait to see all three of them this weekend!

Grandma Janet

luxuryfied said...

when they grow up they don't want anybody to see these pictures very funny