Monday, January 15, 2007

Rowdy Crowd

Jacksen had his first sleep over Friday night. He had four little boys from Bible class over for the night. I was quite nervous upon the arrival of all the boys to find out this was the first time any of them had ever stayed with a friend. We have all of them in Bible Hour every Sunday night so they knew us pretty well. They all had a good time. I made homemade pizza dough and let them each make their own pizza, that took up an entire fifteen minutes!! They did all the typical boy things: wrestled, ran, fought, didn't include Jennah in anything, played games (game favorite was Operation, thanks Jenny!), and watched SuperMan. Over all I think it was a success. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Jenny said...

You are very brave! Glad to hear the game was fun too. Poor Jennah, I bet she still held her own;)