Monday, December 29, 2008
8 Shows I watch
Iron Chef
The Office
The Hills
CSI Miami
Without a Trace
My House is Worth What
House Hunters
8 Favorite Restaurants
Famous Dave's BBQ
Outback Steakhouse
Pei Wei
Bill and Ruth's
Popeye's Chicken
8 Things that happened today
The kids let me sleep in late.
Planned our anniversary trip to Padre.
Canceled the trip to Padre and decided on Hot Springs Ark.
Jonathan came home for lunch.
Canceled the trip to Hot Springs and decided on Taos New Mexico.
The cox guy fixed my internet and phone.
Decided ten hours of driving for a day and a half of skiing wasn't worth it, back to not having a plan.
I fixed Outback's Mac a roo and cheese and the kids said it was better than Outback!
8 Things I look forward to
Watching the kids grow up.
Our anniversary weekend together (whatever we decide to do).
Taking the kids to Honduras with us next year.
Remodeling our bathroom (hopefully sooner than later).
William and Rachel coming home to visit in February.
Spring time
Family pictures
Summer break for the kids
8 Things I wish for
A long and healthy life for my family
Christian spouses for my kids
An extra half bath off our small living room
No more laundry
Just one more baby
Longer summers
Shorter winters
A great 2009
Monday, December 15, 2008
Christmas Musical
Jack and Jennah had their Christmas musical last night. It was great. Jack really seemed to enjoy it and Jennah loved every minute of it. Jack agreed to be in it only if he didn't have to have a solo or speaking part. I was very proud of him for taking on this challenge. I love
watching the kids perform it is a memory of them I will cherish forever. Their innocence is priceless and hearing them sing songs about our God just makes my heart so happy and I can't control my tears. With me working some Jonathan has taken them to most of their practices and in the process Jennah some how lost the solo she was suppose to have that she has been practiced for over a month for. I told her if she wanted me to I would talk to them about it but she didn't mind she had a cheer leading part that she loved so that made up for it. Thank you to Grandma Janet, Papa Joe, and Nana for coming and sharing this event with the kids. I know it meant so much to them to share their hard work with you guys.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Rechargeable Batteries
Holiday Stresses
Let me share all three dingy things I did in a span of 24 hours. Sunday evening I had to work and Jonathan was taking the kids to church; we said our goodbyes and got in separate cars and left, but instead of going to work I followed Jonathan and the kids all the way to the church. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I wasn't. I was just driving. Then yesterday morning I thought I had volunteered to stay with Jack's class while his teacher had a meeting, I do this about twice a month and Grandma Janet keeps Joel for me. I called and left her a message to remind her of our plans for the afternoon only to check my calendar a minute later and find the date I am helping is next Monday. So I quickly called and left another message telling her I am crazy and I would see her next Monday. This last one is the scary one, yesterday evening Jennah had a birthday party to go to and Jonathan had plans to visit his Grandpa in the hospital. He was planning on taking Jack and Joel with him and I would take Jennah. Joel cried to go to the birthday party so I let him go with me. On the way we had some music on and I remembered I had left my flat iron on in the bathroom. I called Jonathan quickly to ask him to unplug it so Joel wouldn't get burned. He quickly said, "okay but do I have Joel?" It wasn't until he said that that I remembered he was in the back seat with me! I can't believe I did this! It is worrying me.
I know we have been extra busy lately (double booked four out of five evenings this week with things to do) and I'm sure that is why I'm doing these crazy things. I just thought it was funny that I was trying to make Lita feel better and am now worried about myself. So today I'm going to take it easy and try to regain my sanity. Happy Tuesday!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
1st Attempt
Monday, November 24, 2008
It's Been A While
Jennah did get a solo and a duet in the Christmas musical she is also in a little scene as a cheerleader. Jack is in the musical also. It is not really his thing but I wanted him to give it a try. He said he would as long as he didn't have to speak or sing by himself. The performance is on Sunday the 14th of December. Everyone is invited to come. We are also in the process of getting Grandma Janet's piano that she and Jonathan grew up using. Jennah and Jonathan are very excited. I can already see us all sitting around it while Jonathan plays Christmas songs. Okay maybe that's dreaming but it's a nice thought.
I am trying decide on a perfect background for our annual Christmas card photo. As you all know that can be a huge task. We got our first card in the mail today so I need to get on that. I am half way finished with my shopping already and I hope to be finished before Thanksgiving day.
We did our own family Thanksgiving dinner Saturday night and put up our Christmas tree. It was really good. I think we are going to make it an annual thing the weekend before Thanksgiving. The kids made turkey pictures and colored them. That is one of my favorite memories as a child was coloring turkeys for Thanksgiving. Then they made pilgrim hats. I was able to remember my Grandma Kelley's stuffing recipe that she taught me how to make probably ten years ago. It tasted just like Grandma's and it brought back so many happy memories of her and our times together. I cried.
I am challenging myself this year not to get stressed and fully enjoy the holidays. I don't want to worry about anything but enjoy my family and friends. One of the things we have decided to do between now and Christmas is watch a classic Christmas movie every Friday night. Last Friday we got Home Alone. The kids loved it and can't wait until next Friday night. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Fashion Police
Monday, November 10, 2008
Nothing Big
Last week Jennah and Joel had their first sickness of the season. They started off with an allergy cough and both developed a sinus infection and Joel also got a double ear infection from that. Joel ears didn't clear up with the medicine the doctor prescribed and we started a new one on Friday. Hopefully this one will clear them up or it will be back to the chiropractor for him.
Jack is really enjoying chess club and I think Jonathan is enjoying it just as much. He will also start basketball in a few weeks. Jennah has auditions for our churches Christmas musical Wednesday night. I'm very excited for her and she is too. Joel also gets in on the singing. I'm crossing my fingers that he gets his daddy's singing voice like Jennah did.
The kids and Jonathan played in the leaves this week. I've never seen kids enjoy a pile of leaves like my three. They would come home from school have a quick snack and head straight out until dark playing in the leaves. Jonathan's grass has finally sprouted and he is very proud of his bright green grass. I never knew he had such an obsession with grass.
We are all doing well and are excited about the change of season and the holidays to come. Have a great week everyone.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pumpkin Carving
Last night we carved our pumpkin. Jack and Jennah really enjoyed helping carve the pumpkin. Joel did not enjoy the gut cleaning part. He couldn't keep from gagging every time he looked at the pumpkin or our hands. The pumpkin and the pumpkin seeds turned out great. Jennah was in charge of pictures and this one of the pumpkin turned out the best.
Lake Murray '08
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Kids of Mogote
Views from the Jesus Statue
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Where to Start
Yesterday we visited the Jesus statue and almost got struck by lightning! Jesus protected us both figuratively and literally. It was up on the top of a mountain and we could see for ever. It was pouring down rain the entire time including the 40 minute ride to and from in the back of a truck.
Today we went to the a river. I mentioned before it was raining all day yesterday and the river was very high and rapid. It was a little scary at first but I wanted to experience as much as possible so I jumped off a huge cliff GO ME! It was pretty fun. Jon didn´t join me in this experience. I can´t wait to share the pictures.
We haven´t gotten sick on the food yet at all. The no flush thing isn´t as bad as I expected it to be. My biggest fear here now is the dreaded truck rides. Friday night I cried three different times out of fear on the trip up to Mogote for church. The people here drive crazy. They drive on the wrong sides of the road on one way streets including the car we were in! I won´t miss the driving here at all.
Jacksen, Jennah, and Joel we love you and miss you guys! See you Monday night.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
First Full Day
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
We´re Here
Monday, September 29, 2008
This and That
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Rest of the Story
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Little Jennah
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Dry Gulch '08
Saturday, September 06, 2008
My Little Brother

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Mr. and Mrs. Antrikin
Sean and Madison got married this weekend we started out with a great rehearsal and dinner from Famous Dave's BBQ (one of my favorites). Jonathan officiated the wedding and Jennah was the flower girl and Joel and one of Madison's nephews who is a week younger than Joel were the ring bears. Jennah is an old pro at being a flower girl and she took control of the younger boys, it was so cute. This was Jack's first wedding to be an usher. He did a great job. Everything went very smooth and it was a beautiful wedding.
I also celebrated my 28th birthday on Wednesday.
Joel's 3!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Back to School
Saturday, August 09, 2008
My Little Beat Boxer
Friday, August 01, 2008
I was fixing lunch and the kids were very loudly playing in the living room and the doorbell rang. I never go to the front door when it rings I always go to Joel's room and see who it is and if it is a labeled car they are driving. This guy was wearing a "wife beater" and his boxers were hanging out of his pants about six inches. I thought, I will just let him ring the door bell until he just leaves. I gathered the kids up and took them to my room and told them to sit quietly. The guy just kept knocking and ringing the doorbell for maybe 3 minutes and then the car that was parked across the street and two houses down moved in front of my driveway and two more guys got out and came to the door. They all began ringing the bell, beating on the door, and jiggling the door handle. I yelled at them "I'm not going to open the door!" I don't know what I thought that would help. I didn't know at that time I could call 911 for that type of situation. I know now that is perfectly fine. I also could have set off our house alarm but it is in the small living room directly off the entry and we didn't have blinds over that window. For some reason I didn't want them to see me. After what seemed to be an hour but was actually about three or four minutes they kicked the door really hard and then ran off. We didn't realize then but later when the police arrived to take a report he noticed when they kicked the door it busted the door frame if the dead bolt had not been set they would have been in my house at that time. Even with the dead bolt the police man said it would have only taken one or two more kicks. I felt so helpless to think ten more seconds and they would have been in MY home with me and my three kids. What would I have done.
I am writing this not to scare anyone or make you lose sleep for fear, but to empower you to be prepared should anything like this happen. Please have a plan!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I Bribed Them
Good Luck To Me
Monday, July 28, 2008
Busy Weekend
We started off the weekend by having Blake and Shelly and their kids and Amy and Benjamin over for dinner Friday night. We cooked kabobs and it turned out to be a little stressful trying to get everything finished at the same time. Next time we have you all over we will do something easier (sorry). Then Saturday morning Jennah and I went to see Shelby's ballet performance. Jennah loved it and as soon as we left she wanted to know when she could take ballet. After that we went with Jonathan to work for a little while. Then Jennah had to be at the church building to get ready for her musical. I was really nervous for her but I don't think she was at all. She forgot to stand up which threw her off a little in the beginning of the song but quickly caught up and did a wonderful job. Especially this being her first solo and not knowing about it until Wednesday! Sorry for the shaking camera I was crying and laughing at the same time. I'm sure everyone there thought I was crazy. I cried through the entire program. After it was over Jennah got to go around and give people her autograph. She loved that! To top the day off we ate at Ted's with my family and then all five of us watched Hannah Montana 3-D! Sunday, Quentin and a friend came to church with us. The kids love uncle Quentin. Then a good Sunday afternoon nap and off to church again. After services we had a children's ministry meeting to inform all the parents about how the new format will be when we go to three services. Everyone had so many questions and concerns. It is amazing how terrified people are of change, but that's a story for another time.